Building Offline Experiences with HTML5 AppCache and IndexedDB

imageUsers expect their Web sites and apps to work well even when the network isn’t available. With data increasingly stored in the cloud, developers want to enable fluid experiences that allow access to data when there is no connectivity; when devices are disconnected from the network or when they encounter dead spots in coverage.

In this post, we show how to create well-behaved offline sites and apps using the following HTML5 features:

  • AppCache to store file resources locally and access them offline as URLs
  • IndexedDB to store structured data locally so you can access and query it
  • DOM Storage to store small amounts of text information locally
  • Offline events to detect if you’re connected to the network

For more goto –>

Also, BUILD presentation Building offline access in Metro style apps and Web sites using HTML5

Html JavaScript Development using MVVM

Shawn Wildermuth talks about using KnockoutJS framework to develop a MVVM application:

KnockoutJS is a framework that allows me to use HTML-based data binding markup to describe my UI, CSS to describe what the design looks like and JavaScript to tie the data to the data binding. The is chiefly accomplished through the concept of observable objects. For example, I created a new JavaScript ‘class’ called gameModel in my view.js by creating members using the observable method on the knockout (e.g. ko) object:

// view.js
$(document).ready(function () {

  function gameModel() { = ko.observable(); = ko.observable();
    this.genre = ko.observable(); this.releaseDate = ko.observable();
    this.price = ko.observable();
    this.imageUrl = ko.observable();

The observable call returns an object that not only can store a property, but let the KnockoutJS binding stack know when the property changes (two way binding). In order to use the gameModel ‘class’, I created a view model to store a collection of gameModels like so:
// Define Main ViewModel
var theViewModel = {
  games: ko.observableArray([]),

The games property of the view models ‘class’ will hold the current list of games that are shown in the UI. The observableArray object is like the observable object but it notifies the data binding stack when a collection changes. The goal here is to have the view model load the games from the REST service and as the collection changes, the HTML should change to react to that. No more manually creating/destroying parts of the markup.

In order to make this work, we must use the data binding syntax in the HTML code:

<div data-bind="foreach: games">
  <div class="game-block">
      <img data-bind="attr: { src: imageUrl, alt: name }" /></div>
    <div class="game-name" data-bind="text: name">

For more: